Times like these when there’s nothing to do because the weather outside is frightful, I really wish I could snuggle up with some cold, hard vinyl. No idea what became of my collection. Back in the eighties were my parents throwing it all away, taking it to the streets in black plastic bags or did they sell the collection to put me through college?
Okay, I promise no more hidden song titles if you’ll tell me your favorite records (and let’s keep it vinyl) of all time, based on two criteria: album cover art and actual music.
Without the visual cues from the missing vinyl collection, I’ll pull from the acoustic memory archives to make my lists.
Best Album Cover
1.)Bob Welch, French Kiss: I gave this album to my high school boyfriend, and my parents considered making me go to confession for the licentious cover art.
2.) (a tie) The Who By Numbers: I was so young that I still liked the chance to connect the dots.
Some Girls, Rolling Stones: Sure we could always picture Mick as a girl, but this cover gives you the opportunity to see rest of the boys in lipstick.
3.)Red Octopus, Jefferson Starship: That octopus/heart graphic is slick, pun intended.
Best Album Music
1.)Night Moves, Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band: 7/9 aint’ bad.
2.)Stand!, Sly and the Family Stone: Here I’m tapping into my older sister’s collection.
3.)Heart Like a Wheel, Linda Ronstadt: just enough cowbell.
Memories will remind you/
That our love was meant to be.
-Collins, Banks, Rutherford, "Throwing It All Away"